On his radio show on (or about) June 6, 2006, he made the following statement.
"...church was in charge of determining the defn of marriage..." and that it was not the job of the courts to determine.
Actually, GOD instituted marriage and therefore, HE and HIS WORD determines the definition. Not man, and certainly not the church, despite what the Pope may think or teach (or demand)
Remember, in Genesis 2, God created Adam. Then HE put Adam to sleep and created Eve from his rib. That's not the end of the story, though. God then brought the bride to Adam. There are two things I'd like to mention:
First, GOD HIMSELF was involved in the creation of Adam and Eve. HE was also involved in their marriage, instituting it at this time. JESUS spoke of this first institution saying, that what GOD hath joined together, let no man put asunder. Secondly, just like GOD introduced the bride to the groom, one of these days, the Bride of CHRIST shall be introduced to the GROOM, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. That's what marriage is about. It is representation of the time when those who trust JESUS as their Saviour will spend eternity with HIM, because what/who GOD hath put together, let no man put asunder. No man, no creature, no event, not even death can separate us from the love of GOD once we are HIS. Read Romans 8 and John 10.
So, GOD instituted marriage, not the church. Therefore it is not the church's job to decide what a marriage is. It has already been decided. God means for marriage to be permanent. Permanent, just like our state of salvation. Once we belong to GOD, we belong to GOD! Never to be removed from HIM. Finally, the church is the Bride of CHRIST, and will one day be introduced to HIM when HE comes for it. What a day that will be!!
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