Friday, June 02, 2006

Why Do We Believe What We Believe?

Institute For Creation Research

Introducing ICR

     The Institute For Creation Research (ICR) mails out and maintains online a monthly news magazine called Acts & Facts. The 8-pages cover the gamut of the front-cover article on some Creationist topic, be it a new book being rolled out, introducing a new member of the school faculty, a radio log listing the upcoming month's topics, and a few other things. Page 5 of the June 2006 issue (Vol.35, No. 6) contains the monthly segment, Meeting Hightlights.

The portion of Meeting Hightlights I want to address falls under the subheading of "Northern California Looop Tour a Success!"

The Urging Emerging Belief System

(1 Peter 3:15) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

     Zoologist Frank Sherwin

"...spoke at several Christian schools, urging the young people to know why they believe what they believe."
Following this was a short list of items that his outline included. However the statement quoted above from Mr. Sherwin is what got me thinking: If the CHRISTian is to be ready to always give an answer, shouldn't the same apply to the evolutionist or nonChristian? Its a question that hardly needs asked because the answer boils down rather simply.

Why Does The Evolutionist or nonChristian Believe What They Believe?

     They believe that if there is no GOD, then they will never be responsible for the eternal decisions made while here on earth. In other words, do what you want today, because there is no judgement in the future. Tertiarily, if there is no GOD, then it is up to them to decide whether to steal or not, because it may be for the greater good, or stealing may really help whatever desire needs to fulfilled at the moment. You can insert any sin into that last sentence.

     It turns out, though, that the WORD OF GOD is very careful to point out that man needs a Saviour. We are all sinners. Romans 3.23 Each and every last one of us, no matter where they are or their rank or living conditions. As sinners, we are condemned to die, spending eternity in the Lake of Fire. Romans 6.23; Rev 20.15 But GOD sent HIS only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3.16) Everlasting life is the same thing as saying, everlasting life. Look at Rom 6.23 again: everlasting life is the gift of GOD, and it removes us from the final Great White Throne of Judgement mentioned in the last verses of Rev 20.

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