Thursday, June 01, 2006

Learn The Bible, Part 2: Why Blog?

     Still investigating the web site, Learn The Bible (LTB), I discovered they have their own blog!

Need For Blog?

     Why should such a full-content site need a blog? A review of the blogs gives a little insight.

[Kevin's Komment: Actually, reviewing the blogs gives you much insight that is Biblically based].
     There is a difference between the content of LTB's feature articles, news, sermons/audio files and the LTB blog. That difference is shown in the small tidbits of information for each posting. These bite-size morsels are quick to read, but not necessarily easy to digest. Food for thought, they are. This means you must think about them, decide for yourself the answer to some questions.

  • Is this true? Does this answer come out of the Bible?

  • Is this only the opinion of the writer, or is it truth based on the Word Of God?

     They are quick to read because they are only a short paragraph or two. That quick to read morsel is followed by the slow digestion part: most of the entries I surveyed offer more than opinion, but something to think about.Chew slowly on some of these entries. Even if they are written hastily, they don't give the appearance of doing so. There is something to be learned or applied in many of the entries. In other blog entries, you'll be able to focus on certain words or phrases for further study. More on that at a later date.

     Here is a good example. The May 31, 2006, Creation Marked by Number Three entry regarding how the 3-fold nature of GOD is repeatedly shown in nature and in man. Pastor Reagan, the most prominent of authors that I've seen on the LTB site, points out that GOD HIMSELF is 3-fold in the FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST. This is compared to the fact there are three light emitting entities in the universe: the sun, the moon, the stars.

Kevin's Komment, not found on the LTB website, as far as I know:
The lights of heaven (or space if you will, exhibit characteristics of Biblical things that we know. For instance, The sun could represent GOD, and the moon, which only reflects light from the sun, represents CHRISTians, who are to reflect GOD, specifically, GOD THE SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Remember, it was in the book of Acts that the followers of JESUS were first called 'CHRISTians.' Why? Because they so closely associated themselves with HIM and loved each other, that there was no doubt in the minds of the people: that these men had been with JESUS.

Within this same entry, there are other great references for digesting. For example, "there are three kinds of vegetation: grass, herbs and trees (Genesis 1:11)." This is all food for thought, especially considering that the Word Of God is Bread for the soul! If you think about it, you may even be able to break those three down into three component groups. Like, tree's have roots, branches and leaves.

     In keeping with the example set forth by LTB, I'll be signing off now and not let this article go on too long. If things have worked out correctly, there is a link on the right side of this page to the LTB web site.

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John 7

Intro This is an incomplete post. I know that logically, I should break this down into small, manageable chunks. Not gonna happen. I shoul...