Friday, May 19, 2006

Quotes I've heard from Radio shows recently

davinci code: someone on the show made the following statement (in my own words): modern churches do not have THEOLOGY in their hymns that the old hymnbooks do. That contributes to the ez belief of the "code"
curse from noah's lips was not upon ham, but upon ham's son, canaan, which was also the promised land to the Jews. From ham came the 1st 2 great, recorded civilizations were from ham: egypt and babylon.
CHRISTianity is not based on the teachings of JESUS; it is based on the person of JESUS: His sinless perfection, atoning death, burial and resurrection.
africans (ethiopians and egyptians) came from cush
nimrod the mighty hunter: not a reference to him being a game hunter, but a hunter of men's souls.
davinci code could b referred 2, not as historical fiction, but as hysterical fixion.
gnosticism: dualistic philosophy: matter is evil, spirit is good; salvation by what you know, not who (JESUS) u know. denies creation theology, and became an early version of the modern day self-help programs. "always try 2 learn more and increase in knowledge" it is a religion based on the elite; only those who are smart enuff to see the light and understand the secrets & the mystery of religion. teaching that there is a divine spark within all of us, not moving in after we R saved.
America(ns) has truth decay.
Definition -->hypocrism: false religion, falsely practiced.
WOG never refers to leprosy as being healed, but always as cleansed. That refers back 2 our sin, of which we are cleansed by JESUS' blood.
"u will either defy the beast or deify the beast!"
the elements that melchizadek bro't to the meeting of kings in gen, are the same as that as of the LORD's Supper. it represents the memorial of JESUS death and suffering and as a remembrance to HIM, and thats what Melch. is doing.

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