Thursday, May 25, 2006

James Kennedy Made A Mistake

On the May 24, 25 2006 Truths That Transform radio show, the guest made a few verbal blunders that bother me. I don't know who the guest was, where he was from, because I'm usually trying to listen while I work. Therefore, my attention is more on my job than the radio. However, the man did say some things that caused my ears to ring like an out-of-tune piano.

His agenda was in preaching that the armed forces today are young Mall-Rat-recently-became-Christian men and women are very CHRISTIAN-like in the behaviour while in the Army (or whatever force they are in).

Here are the things he said that bothered me:

The NIV Bible

He read out of the NIV, calling it the New Inspired Version. I call it the New International Perversion because it is a perversion of the WORD OF GOD. There is a myriad of problems with the NIV. One is that it removes entire verses of scripture. Matthew 18.11 is a key verse of scripture. It describes the mission of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is missing from the NIV. No! There is nothing inspired about the NIV bible, nor any of its siblings (NKJV, NCV, RSV, NASB, etc.).

Filthy Language

He mentioned the filthy language of these men as they prayed. In speaking with one soldier, the soldier said that all he wanted to do was find "his *&^#% place in the *&^#% will of GOD!" He made a comment that their "faith is raw." Another comment, (I paraphrase here a little) was that we can make them proper Christians after they return home. I have one answer for that kind of sentiment. Even a lost sinner knows that GOD is holy and filthy language has no place in the life of a CHRISTian.
(1 Peter 1:15) But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

Would be a very good idea for these young Christians to read about Gen. G. Washington's statements regarding his army and the language he allowed them to use. He gave careful and extensive instructions on the verbal behaviour of the men in the revolutionary army. If I can find an excerpt of this document/speech, I'll add it to this post.

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