Saturday, April 11, 2009

Judas Chose The Wrong Tree

James Kennedy radio show on 9 April 2009, re: Judas the Betrayer

Judas' last, final, wrong decision is that he "went to the wrong tree." He went to the tree of death. He could've gone, instead, to the Tree of Life, hanging on a tree already. Already willing to save any sinner, no matter how unclean and vile. Yet, Judas chose the tree of death.

Which tree do you choose? I choose the Tree of Life, that is, JESUS CHRIST Himself! Only HE can save. It is what HE came to do. It was His purpose for leaving Heaven and coming to live among us in the 1st place. All the miracles HE performed were not to show us that we can acheive miracle performing status but the miracles pointed to who HE is: the promised Messiah/Christ of the Old Testament. He fulfilled the promise completely, dying on our behalf. He became sin for us, even though HE never knew sin. His death was NOT the end, though. He arose out of the grave 3 days later, early on the 1st day of the week (Sunday), and proved that 4ever is banished death and hell for all who will believe on HIM.

Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

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