Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Diabetic Christian

Just a thought, sparked by something I heard on the radio today.

Seems like a lot of people do not believe that GOD will eternally punish the sinner. GOD IS SO GOOD, what punishment will HE dole out? I think they are so used to hearing preachers and teachers speak on the love of GOD, so much so, that they have way too much spiritual sugar in their diet. Hence, the name of this article, The Diabetic Christian. While the Bible does say, "GOD is love", we forget that GOD is also a consuming fire. That is a quote from both the Old Testament and the New. Over and over, from Genesis to Revelation, there is the promise of coming Judgment to the wicked. It is a promise of everlasting punishment.

That Judgment can only be overcome by GOD's love. GOD freely gives life, eternal life, to any who will willingly accept it and repent and believe on His only begotten Son, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Read all of 2 Peter chapters 2 & 3, then read the 1st 18 verses of John chptr 3.

GOD is love, especially to those who put their trust, complete trust in HIM.

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